New Strength

New Strength

by Dr. Lorna Carmela Avelino Protasio

As a wife, a mother and a doctor during my younger years, I could easily become swamped with daily chores.

Normally, it took one hour to get to the government clinic where I worked. I saw around 40-60 patients each day, attended meetings and consultative conferences. By 6pm, I would be home to fulfill my wife and mom duties. Finding time to have a personal time with God was challenging.

To fit it in, I had to make some choices. I chose to wake up early, while my family’s asleep to read my Bible and pray. Because I get up early, I also had to choose to go to bed a little earlier.
At first, these choices were difficult. I had to limit the time I spent chatting or reading before bedtime. I avoided distractions like TV and phone calls. It forced me to be more organized and schedule family activities and time for my hobby which is gardening. But, after a while, these choices developed into a habit.

This personal time helped my faith to grow. I could confidently bring my concerns to God and trust that He could work in every situation. Instead of worrying, I had peace and assurance that His promises were true and reliable. His Word gave me strength to face the day’s challenges. The Bible says in Isaiah 40:31, “…those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (NLT)

Make a choice to have a personal time with God. If you can’t wake up early, set aside some time after the kids go to school, while you eat lunch, or during the time that your children are doing their homework. Get ready to run and not grow weary!

