Kim Snider

What Do You Need For Christmas?

What Do You Need For Christmas?

I will never forget it: my son screaming as doctors cut his feet open to see how far the cancer had progressed into his body. For me, those minutes were gut-wrenching. Today, the echo of my son’s screams are never far from my mind, even though this event took place two decades ago. A child’s pain hurts their parents beyond belief. Why am I writing about suffering at Christmas time? Isn’t this a se ...[Read More]

Daily Time with Jesus

Daily Time with Jesus

I was sitting at my desk. The phone rang; an emergency in my family. I felt so alone. Belatedly, I remembered I had skipped my devotional time that morning. Since I didn’t spend time with the Lord, I was not sharp spiritually; it was harder to hear God’s voice and it was harder to know what to do, or what to say. Whenever I skip my daily devotional time with the Lord, I regret it. It seems those a ...[Read More]

Where Does Courage Come From?

Where Does Courage Come From?

He took a deep breath and they slipped the IV needle into his arm. His face paled and his breathing stepped up, as it always did, when the chemo drugs began to penetrate his system.