I will never forget it: my son screaming as doctors cut his feet open to see how far the cancer had progressed into his body. For me, those minutes were gut-wrenching. Today, the echo of my son’s screams are never far from my mind, even though this event took place two decades ago. A child’s pain hurts their parents beyond belief.
Why am I writing about suffering at Christmas time? Isn’t this a season of happiness and joy and self indulgence? I am writing like this because we need to understand what Christmas cost God, our Father.
Those of us who believe the basic principles of Christianity know that “In the beginning…”, we were all created by God with perfect health; we were created to live forever. To maintain this “perfect” status, obedience was all that was required. However, when Adam and Eve were presented with their first opportunity to obey God, their Heavenly Father, or not, they chose not. By disobeying, Adam and Eve lost eternal health and the ability to live forever. Death entered the world.
The thought of His children suffering eternally in hell as a result of their decision to disobey, must have hurt Father God dreadfully. He immediately acted to remedy the situation. The remedy was that God would send His only Son to die for our disobedience. Although much about the birth of Christ is joyous, this is the dark side. While the angels sang to the shepherds, and while the wise men followed the star, the future suffering of God’s only Son was on God’s mind.
God sent Jesus knowing He would have to watch His only Son suffer in ways no one has ever suffered before or since. He would have to hear Jesus cry out; He would have to watch Jesus bleed on the cross. God the Father made this sacrifice so Jesus could pay for our disobedience and restore us to eternal life again. If I suffered when only my son’s feet were cut open, imagine how God suffered when His Son was crucified!
Christmas is traditionally a time for giving gifts. Thirteen years ago, Dr. Gary Chapman identified “giving” as one of 5 love languages. In sending Jesus, God demonstrated His love for us through the love-language of “giving.” God gave His Son for us. It was the most wonderful gift imaginable. Jesus is all we need to attain eternal life and have a great relationship with the Father again.
This Christmas, remember how much the gift of Jesus cost God the Father. Treasure this gift; don’t take it for granted. Tell God you want to accept His gift. Ask Him to forgive you of disobedience. Turn your back on wrong doing and doubt, and determine to devote your life to the one who gave everything for you.